Tech Bites

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💡Tech Bites -2024

  • ➡️Sitecore Headless CMS content products

📢 Tech Bites#01 👉 💥 Which Headless CMS content products are available from the most recent composable DXP stack from Sitecore?💥✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

1️⃣Sitecore Experience Manager (XM)

2️⃣Sitecore Experience Platform (XP)

3️⃣Sitecore XMCloud(XMC)

4️⃣Sitecore Content Hub ONE(CHO)

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  • ➡️Sitecore Headless CMS content tree

📢 Tech Bites #02 👉 💥 What kind of content tree is available in the Sitecore Headless CMS implementation?💥✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

1️⃣Sitecore Traditional JSS(JSS)

2️⃣Sitecore Headless SXA

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  • ➡️Migrate from Sitecore XP to Sitecore Headless

📢 Tech Bites #03 👉 💥 Can I switch from Sitecore XP to the Sitecore Headless framework?💥✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

You can migrate from Sitecore XP to the Sitecore XM Cloud

Local development setup using Sitecore Docker Container setup

Handle all authentication and authorization at the Head (front-end) level

You have to use the Sitecore Headless Services module (formerly the JSS Server Components)

If you are at the stage of upgrading Sitecore, then it is important to evaluate the Sitecore headless migration option (migration to Sitecore XM Cloud / migration to Sitecore XM)

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  • ➡️Migrate Sitecore MVC website to Sitecore Headless website

📢 Tech Bites #04 👉 💥 🤔 Do you have any questions regarding the transition from an existing Sitecore MVC website to a Sitecore Headless website?💥✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

You can migrate Sitecore MVC site to the Sitecore XM Cloud

Statically generating an Sitecore MVC application - Walkthrough: Statically generating an MVC application

Configuring Sitecore Next.js Headless SXA Multisite App in a Sitecore Container

Migrating to XM Cloud

What is XM Cloud?

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  • ➡️ XM Cloud Search Options

📢 Tech Bites #05 👉 💥 🤔Are there any questions you have about the implementation of Sitecore XM Cloud Search? 💥🔎 ✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

The XM Cloud SaaS solution’s Content Management role uses Solr-based search instance provision by Sitecore SaaS solution for internal search

Your archived items are not included in the search

This Solr bases search provider not available for XM Cloud Website search (front-end search)

Migrating to XM Cloud

What is XM Cloud?

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  • ➡️ Sitecore XM Rendering Host deployment options

📢 Tech Bites #06 👉 💥 🕵️💥 What are the Sitecore XM Cloud Next.js Rendering Host deployment options? ✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

⚡In the Sitecore XM Cloud or Sitecore Headless implementation, Sitecore has a clear separation between front-end and back-end implementation, which provides flexibility to choose the front-end framework.

In the Sitecore Headless implementation front-end application developed in Next.js or other Sitecore JSS SDK and known as Rendering Host, these applications are deployed into the non-Sitecore server to display the application for the end-user.

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  • ➡️ The Significance of Sitecore Experience Edge Explained

📢 Tech Bites #07 👉 💥 🕵️💥 The Significance of Sitecore Experience Edge Explained ✅ Navigate through the document at 🌍

Some information️:

⚡ We should first understand what a Sitecore Experience Edge (XE) is.

⚡ How is content published to Sitecore Experience Edge (XE)?

⚡ What type of data will you get from the Sitecore Experience Edge (XE)?

⚡ How do I access data from the CDN cached Sitecore Experience Edge (XE)?

⚡ Why use the Sitecore Experience Edge (XE)?

⚡ What are the limitations of the Sitecore Experience Edge (XE)?

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